We’ve had people ask us about the difference between our Planning Service and our Concierge Service. The simplest explanation is related to time. Planning takes place BEFORE you are on vacation and Concierge takes over WHILE you are on vacation.
We think any Walt Disney World vacation is incomplete without both. You certainly don’t want to show up at the Disney parks without a plan and concierge service allows you to relax and enjoy your vacation. Here’s a perfect example to why we pair the two services in a single offering.

Early last week we took on a client who is currently at Walt Disney World. This group of seven had made some plans, but couldn’t get Slinky Dog Dash and was only going to visit Hollywood Studios today.
We began our planning search and didn’t find any availability until the Saturday before they arrived. We booked two FastPass+ with a return time of 10:10 and our search refined to find the five remaining.
About 36 hours later we obtained a single FastPass+ returning at 12:40 which didn’t overlap. The next day a replacement was found for a 10:25 return.
Had we only provided Planning Services, only three of the seven members of the group would have had FastPasses. We transitioned the search to our Concierge and found two more Slinky Dog passes at 8:54am today with a return at 11:15. Fifty-one minutes later we booked the final two FastPass+ also with a return time of 11:15.
Our two offerings work hand-in-hand. Concierge can fill in the gaps when planning is incomplete. It can also aid when your plan changes course or when you want to enjoy more attractions without standing in line.