We keep reading articles this weekend about how “Disney World is completely sold out” to ticket holders, resort guests and passholders. This couldn’t be further from the truth. As we wrote about in “Don’t Trust the Availability Calendar,” our Park Pass Tool can find availability and automatically book on your behalf if you have entitlements available.
In order to demonstrate this, we took on the challenge to get a Hollywood Studios Park Pass for the Friday through Monday after Thanksgiving. We utilized an annual passholder account with no Park Pass reservations and no resort reservation. Our quest began around 7am on Thanksgiving morning and it didn’t take long for our tool to book our first three days.

Before noon, we had reservations for Friday, Monday and Tuesday. Not bad. Five hours with no manual searching and three Hollywood Studios reservations. But we are never satisfied, so we utilized the “Leapfrog Method” by canceling our Tuesday reservation and searching for Saturday or Sunday.

Less than two hours later we grabbed a Sunday reservation. Saturday had eluded us, so we again decided to cancel the latest of the three reservations (Monday) and started searching again for Saturday.

Exactly an hour later we received an alert that our final booking had been made. Three Hollywood Studios park passes the next three consecutive days of the holiday weekend when many outlets were touting that everything was “sold out.”
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