We began the year with a tremendous amount of optimism coming off a strong 2019. Referrals were pouring in and we had dozens of concierge vacations planned. We also received our approval to sell Walt Disney World vacation packages and several trips booked for clients. We shared the opening day of Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway with our clients and then the pandemic hit. It’s been over four months since we’ve had a client in the parks (ourselves included). Like other travel companies, we’ve had dozens of cancellations and postponements of vacations. While we recognize that many people will not be heading to Florida any time soon, there is large central Florida community that has been visiting the parks for the past few weeks. With this in mind, we are excited to announce an upcoming offering for Walt Disney World Annual Passholders.
The Mousekepros Passholder program will offer the following features:
- Automated Dining Reservations searches
- Park Pass procurement
- Virtual Queue boarding group acquisition
Our concierge clients are familiar with our dining search tool. If there is a restaurant that doesn’t currently have availability, you can provide the date, time range and number of guests and our tool will text you with a direct link to book the reservation if a spot becomes available.
We’ve discussed the Park Pass system about a month ago, but we’ve seen fluidity in availability of Park Passes for passholders. Our tool will allow you to select a park and a prioritized list of dates and when a spot becomes available, we can book it for you. In the event that you have already reached your maximum number of days, we will text you that there is, in fact, availability for that park on that day.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we have automated the acquisition boarding groups for virtual queues. While the only current virtual queue is Rise of the Resistance, our offering will work if this is expanded in the future.
Unlike our concierge service, once fully implemented this will be a “self service” offering with a website that will allow our passholder clients to manage their requests.
If you are interested in beta-testing, please contact us at passholder@mousekepros.com.